Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Annual Information of Sparkle Plc along with the Financial Essay
The Annual Information of Sparkle Plc along with the Financial Statements - Essay Example To support the significance of such information, theories of concepts are also explained. The recommendations included are from the perspective of a financial account which is responsible to advise the directors of Sparkle Plc. A comprehensive report which contains the activities, financial and non-financial performance evaluation statements of the company are called the Annual Report. The annual report is prepared to give the stakeholders of the company, mainly the shareholders an elaborate and transparent view of the company (Friedlob, and Welton, 2008, p. 3). It is also essential in attracting prospective investors to make investments. The annual report not only contains the financial statements such as income statement, balance sheet, or cash flow statements but also other reports such as director’s report, auditor’s report, corporate social responsibility information, etc. In short, the annual report contains company’s business functions, products or services, sources of finances and resources, human resource involvement, countries of operation, responsibilities and contribution towards society, performance in terms of revenue generation, financial and accounting standards that it follows, and future goals or objectives structured for the next year (Thomsett, 2007, p. 5). This report is Sparkle Plc., a company which deals in cleaning products. Sparkle Plc. want to prepare their annual reports to attract more investors and also present a transparent image to their existing shareholders. The board of directors of the company already has the idea that the annual report would include the financial statements of the company. However, as discussed it is not only the financial statements that are important because many investors do not and cannot assess the financial health of the company only through revenue figures. Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Environmental Causes of Delinquency Research Paper
Environmental Causes of Delinquency - Research Paper Example It highlights the similarities and differences between them by explaining how each factor influences criminal behaviour among the minors. As environmental factors, they tend to rely on each other to form the identity of the minors as they grow up. However, when they are all controlled, the youths can be prevented from engaging in criminal acts and develop into normal, law-adhering citizen. Keywords: Delinquent Behaviour, Crime, Environment, Youths, Juveniles, Minors, Drugs, Families, Poverty, Social Setting, Gender, Peer Group, Street Gangs, Robbery, Sexual Activities, Drug Abuse Introduction For a long time, juvenile delinquency has been a key concern in societies and the governments all over the world. It not only costs the youths themselves, but also the society in large; the general government’s time and financial resources are used to combat criminal activities among the youth. In considerable terms, children’s experience in the social setting, way of being brought up, and association contribute to shaping their characters and interests in life as they grow up. There are many factors in the environment that influence a child’s development, and consequently, participation in delinquency, such as social and economic factors affecting their personal lives, morale, confidence, and the well being of their families. What the children or minors hear and see from the environment remains quite clear in their memory, and most of the time, they are always persuaded to practice it to satisfy their quest. Ever wondered why young girls and men engage in sexual behaviours, form gangs, get convinced to drop out from school, commit murders, and engage in vandalism or any other illegal acts? Well, the root of causes lies in the environmental factors and control. Influence of Family Characteristics The family is the pillar of the child in development and largely contributes to what minors’ associate with early in life. At first, it begins with par ental supervision and the quality of the established relationship between the parents and the child. Based on supervision, parents get to correct their children’s behaviour early before they develop into serious problems. In many cases, due to poor supervision or lack of it, the minors have become addicts to watching unregulated programmes in the absence of their parents, contributing to depiction of violent movies and pornography, which are psychologically unhealthy for their age. The parents sometimes fail to control their children’s access to the internet or what they watch out of ignorance, viewing it as an escape to perform their other demanding roles. With such an opportunity, in their state of sexual curiosity, it easily leads to subsequent sexual crimes through the media that expose them to incest, rapes, child pornography, and prostitution as they watch cartoon pornography. The minors will copy the acts to identify themselves with movie stars who may be commit ting crimes, the fact of which might be unknown to the children. It goes without mentioning that parents should also use effective disciplining techniques to correct and not harshly punish the minors because to them, it could seem unjust and could even increase their anger to transform into something else. Children brought up in broken families or by separated
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Predicting Bankruptcy of Firms
Predicting Bankruptcy of Firms TOPIC A Abstract The recent world budgetary or financial crisis has expanded the quantity of insolvencies in various nations and has brought about another range of research which reacts to the need to foresee this phenomenon, not only at the level of individual nations, as well as at a worldwide level, offering clarifications of the regular attributes shared by the affected companies. The objective of this essay is to discuss possible useful model for predicting the bankruptcy of the firms that is taking place globally. Introduction This essay concentrates on foreseeing the risk of the bankruptcy of business forms with a worldwide degree. The present significance of bankruptcy prediction models has developed because of the current world financial crisis. This crisis has seen an expansion in the numbers of bankruptcy in a several nations and has served to exhibit that even the best international organizations must be consistently careful concerning their budgetary circumstance and the position of the organizations they work. On the other side, because of the globalization process that the world economy is encountering, a complex system of international connections that has emerged in the business world. A few studies have demonstrated that the globalization phenomenon has resulted the homogenization of the budgetary behavior of organizations, techniques for fund, and the conduct of money related markets. Bankruptcy And Instrument to Prediction A study by Yadav 1986 (cited in BRÃŽNDESCU-OLARIU 2016, p. 258) indicates that the evaluation of the corporate bankruptcy risk has represented a focal theme of the ration analysis since the beginning of the twentieth century. The studies over samples of organizations from everywhere throughout the world have demonstrated the handiness of the monetary proportions in the predicting the bankruptcy. Amid the most recent century, distinctive univariate or multivariate procedures for evaluating the bankruptcy were proposed, as per the characteristics of population. The need to reestablish the approaches is permanent, as the features of the populaces consistently change. A previous research by (Brà ®ndescu-Olariu, 2016a) conducted over a paired sample of 1176 Romanian organizations demonstrated a general characterization accuracy based on solvency ratio of 67%. According to Chung et al. (2008) cited in Brà ®ndescu-Olariu 2016, p. 258, despite the fact that this level of accuracy leaves imperative space for error, it is viewed as enough to make the solvency ratio a helpful classifier. As the tests were performed over a paired sample (588 bankrupt organizations, 588 non-bankrupt organizations), the ideal cut-off esteem was not viewed as fit for the entire populace (which has a yearly liquidation recurrence of less than 3% and a method of analysis was not arranged. The current review sets to build up an approach for surveying the insolvency chance in light of the solvency ratio, applicable to the entire populace. Albeit different instruments for the assessment of the liquidation risk exist, the procedure proposed will offer data quick, with negligible exertion from the part of the analyst, being in the meantime open to all stakeholders. According to Alaminos, del Castillo, FernaÂndez 2016, p. 3 in the development of models that have attempted to offer strict predictions of bankruptcy, distinct reviews are remarkable, with the greater part of these centering on one specific nation or industry as it were. Using samples of American firms, Odom M, Sharda R (1990) neutral network model figured out how to accomplish a precision of 86.8% with a multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) model and 77.0% with neural networks (NN). Zhou L, Tam KP, Fujita H (2016) accomplished 100% precision amid the preparation stage and 97.5% amid the testing stage with NN. Mossman CE, Bell GG, Swartz LM, Turtle H (1998) embraced a relative investigation of four sorts of bankruptcy prediction models utilizing proportions of financial statement, share performance, share capital, and standard deviations of that execution, accomplishing a classification accuracy of 84.9%. Laitinen EK, Laitinen T (2000) apply a Logit model utilizing data from the two years prior to the liquidation. Shumway T (2001) displayed a model to anticipate the likelihood of insolvency using Logit, with which a 54% classification was accomplished. Philosophov LV, Philosophov VL (2005) created a model for the improvement of the structure of firm capital with the likelihood of bankruptcy as the fundamental prohibitive component. El Kalak I, Hudson R (2016) explored whether size influences the probabilities of liquidation by creating four discrete-time risk models (discrete-time, duration-dependent hazard mode), while also using American firms as a foundation for this. Some of people and analysts also think that quarterly financial statement comes helpful in predicting insolvencies. In general, the reviews have found that interim budgetary information are valuable for prescient purposes (Brown and Niederhoffer [1968]; Reilly, Morgenson, and West [1972]; Coates [1972]; Shashua, Goldschmidt, and Melnik [1973]; Griffin [1977]) cited in Baldwin, Glezen 1992, p. 270. According to Chung, Chen, Lin, Lin, Lin 2015, since the Asian 1997 monetary crises start, numerous well known organizations have generated money related misery. The money related crisis lets financial specialists a chance to lessen certainty. In this way, preventing organization failure is a critical issue in finance and bookkeeping field. Wrong basic leadership in many organizations will bring severe budgetary trouble outcomes. For the most part, directors or financial specialists plan to comprehend working or speculation execution of the organization. Predictions of firm bankruptcy have been broadly contemplated in accounting and finance back in the course of three decades. Keeping in mind to enhance the models, previous researchers put a lot of exertion into empirical studies reviews using conventional statistics techniques as well as recently developed artificial neural system (ANN). In 1966-1980, Beaver (1966), Altman (1968), and Ohlson (1980) were the pioneers of the money related trouble empirical approach. These three papers were the essential references about bankruptcy prediction, however they use distinctive techniques and information. Beaver used univariate analysis to predict crashes of companies. Altman conducted MDA in developing the Z-score model. In addition, Ohlson picked conditional logit analysis to dodge some basic issues related with MDA. Both the MDA display and logit regression model have been generally used as a part of practice and in numerous scholastic reviews. They have been the standard benchmarks for the advance default prediction prob lem. In the present states of economy there is an expanding number of companies that are confronting economic and financial related troubles which may, in some cases, lead to insolvency. The risk of indebtedness, and a rupture of any legally binding obligation, is a signal of financial distress. So as to treat the failure phenomenon, the work done in this area has created models that anticipate all the more precisely the companys financial health (Altman, 1968, 1994; Bardos, 1998; Li and Sun, 2009) cited in Jabeur 2017, p. 197. Since the work of Beaver (1966), many authors have been effective surveyed the risk of corporate failure based on financial analysis. Different tools are accessible to analysts; the most frequently used is the linear segregated analysis and logit model. According to Mohammed 2016, p. 71, for evaluating the budgetary health of a commerce firm, there are loads of systems accessible. Yet, the Altmans Zscore ended up being a solid instrument across the world. This model commits to foresee potential outcomes of insolvency of assembling concerns. There has been evidence that it has 76.9% accurateness in predicting the bankruptcy of the basic specimen (Begley et al. 1996). A study by Altman 1968 (cited in Mohammed 2016, p. 71) characterizes five anticipated variables which can be exercised to test the legitimacy of Multivariate model. The model supports financial ratios. According to Mohammed 2016, p. 71, utilizing financial ratios to foretell liquidation can be correct up to 90%, Chen and Shemerda, 1981). Conclusion To conclude, due to the force of generalization exhibited by the global model, multinational firms really need to emphasize to deal with their own bankruptcy models, applying them to customers, suppliers and the companies in which they have holdings. References Alaminos, D, del Castillo, A, Fernà ¡ndez, Mà 2016, A Global Model for Bankruptcy Prediction, PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1-18. Baldwin, J, Glezen, GW 1992, Bankruptcy Prediction Using Quarterly Financial Statement Data, Journal of Accounting, Auditing Finance, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 269-285. Ben Jabeur, S 2017, Bankruptcy prediction using Partial Least Squares Logistic Regression, Journal of Retailing Consumer Services, vol. 36, pp. 197-202. BRÃŽNDESCU-OLARIU, D 2016, Assessment of the bankruptcy risk based on the solvency ratio, Theoretical Applied Economics, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 257-266. Chung, C, Chen, T, Lin, L, Lin, Y, Lin, C 2016, Bankruptcy Prediction Using Cerebellar Model Neural Networks, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 160-167. Mohammed, S 2016, Bankruptcy Prediction Using the Altman Z-score Model in Oman: A Case Study of Raysut Cement Company SAOG and its subsidiaries, Australasian Accounting Business Finance Journal, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 70-80.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Types of Cancer and the Impact Upon the Patient and Family Members Essa
Abstract This paper is about cancer and the devastating impact it has on, not only the patient but the family members as well. How it forms, takes shape, what the symptoms are, how to diagnose the illness, and how to treat it as well as live and everyday life with this form of disease. Also how you can prevent it. What steps you can take to make sure you don’t get it. I will also explain on how to look for signs of what types of cancers you might get. Tell you, how often you should get screenings. I will also tell you who is at risk for getting cancer. Just how many people have cancer right now, how many are expected to get it? I will also tell you how many people are expected to die from this disease. I will discuss how there are many different types of cancer. I will also tell you about the stages, symptoms and if it can be cured or be fatal. Finally I have to tell you about the costs of fighting cancer, plus how much of a toll it takes not only on the patient but the family members as well. With cancer it can take not only a physical but emotional toll on everyone involved. Not to mention, all the money and time that is involved in fighting to win the battle. (Ahmedin, 2009). Most people do not discover they have cancer till it is too late. One can hope and pray that they will never contract this disease. Some of it is hereditary and runs in the family. Cancer sometimes is passed down through the generations. Cancer can also skip a generation. Cancer can lay dormant in your body for years and never show signs it is there. The best way to avoid cancer is to eat healthy, exercise, don’t smoke. (Ahmedin, 2009). Cancer and the Devastating Affects On Family Members & Types Cancer is a group of growths and abnormal c... ...on and Cancer; The Currant Epidemiological Evidence. Electronic Journal Center. (Vol.96, Issue S1, 42-45). Khatcheressian, J.L. (2006). American Society Of Clinical Oncology. Breast Cancer Follow Up. (Nov. 2006, (31), 5091-5097). Kristal, Alan R. (2004). Vitamin A, Retinoid and Caroteniods as Chemopreventive Agents For Prostate Cancer. The Journal Of Urology. (Vol.171, Issue 2, Supplement 554-558). Mysliwiec, P.A. (2006). Malignancies Following Cancer of the Colon. Malignancies Among Cancer Survivors. (NIH Publ. No. 05-5302). Schairer, Catherine. (2006). Family History of Breast Cancer as a Risk Factor for Ovarian Cancer in prospective Study. Breast Cancer. Electronic Journal. (Vol. 107, Issue 5, 1075- 1083). Siegfried, Jill M. (2001). Woman and Lung Cancer. Does Estrogen Play a Role. Lancet Oncology, Electronic Journal Center. (Vol. 2, Issue 8, 506-513).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams is a short drama that uses a big assortment of symbolisation throughout to depict the emotional, physical and societal province of each of its characters. Laura is a really delicate immature adult female that lives in a lower category, moth-eaten flat with her older brother Tom, and her bizarre female parent Amanda. Laura feels as though she is an castaway in contrast to the remainder of the universe. Among the many perennial subjects of this drama the breakability is shown in a small unicorn that safely exists within a glass menagerie. There are other less outstanding symbols such as the colourss of a rainbow, bluish roses, and the issue, and entryway to the flat. Laura ‘s glass menagerie is an of import symbol. Laura does non desire to be involved with the universe outside this â€Å"dark, grim†flat that she lives in with her female parent, a â€Å"proud, vibrant adult female, Amanda, †and her brother â€Å"Tom, an aspiring poet, and shoe warehouseman.†( ) . She prefers the comfort of her â€Å"transparent glass animals†( 478 ) . Laura would instead pass clip with her bantam glass Equus caballuss and unicorn statuette, listening to her old records. She would prefer to make this all twenty-four hours instead than holding any contact with other people. One of the clearest symbolic utilizations of the glass figurines happens at a point in the narrative when Laura and Jim are left by themselves. Laura makes the statement â€Å"You should ever take good attention of your glass.†( 510 ) Again, we see the symbolism of the glass unicorn and the breakability of Laura. Laura is really diffident and guiltless, really much like the glass figurines she cleans throughout the twenty-four hours. All though it is really delicate, much like Laura herself, the glass radiances and glitters, amplifying many colourss of the rainbow in the visible radiation. The glass unicorn is evidently the most symbolic of Laura! Reading between the lines as Jim and Laura are speaking, it is easy to see that the unicorn represents Laura ‘s remarkably different, delicate, and uncomfortablenss in the normal universe. Jim makes the statement. â€Å"Poor small chap, he must experience kind of lonesome†. It is obvious that Laura has felt only most of her life, and Laura replies â€Å"the unicorn sits on a shelf with some normal Equus caballuss that do non hold any horns, and they all seem to acquire along nicely together.†( p512 ) During Jim and Laura ‘s short romantic brush, for a minute, Laura is experiencing more assurance. It ‘s as if she is get downing to experience a small normal like her Equus caballuss. When Jim accidently knocks the glass unicorn to the floor, and breaks the horn off. â€Å"The unicorn has lost its horn. It does n't truly count. It may be a approval in disguise.†Laura provinces, and â€Å"I will merely conceive of that it has had some sort of operation.†And â€Å"with the horn removed he may experience less capricious! Now he might experience more like he is one of the Equus caballuss, the 1s without any horns†. ( p513 ) For a minute Laura is happy and uplifted. She begins to smile and experience the tenseness of uniqueness raising from her. Jim sees this and starts dancing about with her, and finally kisses her. All of this gives us the little feeling that Laura may eventually be get awaying the illusory universe in which she has lived for most of her life. Laura is for a minute, get downing to experience more recognized, particularly from Jim. For a minute she is experiencing less witting about her physical disablements. She starts to open up merely a small spot. It ‘s non long after all of this that Jim tells Laura of his battle to another adult female. Laura is broken. She is broken indoors, and no longer feels the same singularity that she one time felt with the glass unicorn. She looks at Jim, and tells him to take the unicorn. It ‘s as if she has let travel of something indoors. Past dream like memories of a love that she one time had for Jim, have now been lost in the world of Jims words. Laura has spent many old ages smoothing, and taking attention of her glass menagerie, and maintaining her unicorn safe from the outside universe. But, now it has been exposed, and in bend it has been broken, merely as Laura has been broken. The dream of possibly, some twenty-four hours holding love from a adult male, and being normal has now been replaced with a broken bosom, and a withdrawn unhappiness. As the introspective and diffident Laura is lost even further in to herself. We begin to see a glance of the symbolisms in the usage of the rainbow and its colourss. But it is less obvious than that of the glass unicorn. The rainbow signifies that there may be some hope in the hereafter. Tom gives Laura a glance of hope, â€Å"Laura is overwhelmed with emotions when Tom pulls out the rainbow-colored scarf and tells the narrative of how a prestidigitator changed a bowl of small fish into Canary Islandss. Towards the terminal of the drama, Tom reflects on Laura as he gazes at some broken colored glass, and imagines his tattered sister Laura and her broken spirit†. ( ) . Tom wishes in the symbolic sense that he could blow out the tapers of his sister ‘s desperation. He besides reflects on how Laura would pass hours smoothing her glass animate beings, maintaining them safe from the remainder of the universe. There is sad sarcasm in Tennessee Williams drama when you think about the symbolism of the rainbow. Although rainbows seem to be positive, bright, and hopeful marks that a new twenty-four hours is coming shortly, there is normally much hurting that must be endured before that clip, if it of all time comes. There is rather an array of symbolism that helps to organize the character of Laura. Tennessee Williams uses the colour of blue in Jim ‘s moniker for Laura. Like the rose, Laura is delicate, and like the colour blue, she is diffident, guiltless, and really sad. Plants Cited Fambrough, Preston. â€Å" William ‘s The Glass Menagerie. †Explicator 63.2 ( Winter 2005 ) : 100-102. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Northwestern State U, Watson Lib, Leesville, LA. 17 Mar. 2008 & A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & A ; gt ; . Reese, Jennifer. â€Å" The Glass Menagerie. †Entertainment Weekly ( 28 Apr. 2006 ) : 143-143. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Northwestern State U, Watson Lib. , Leesville, LA. 17 Mar. 2008 & A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & A ; gt ; . Williams, Tennessee. â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†Literature for Composition: Writing Arguments about Essays, Fiction, Poetry, and Drama erectile dysfunction. by Sylvia Barnet, William Burto and William E. Cain†¦8ThursdayEd New York. 2007: 499-519.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
It Has Been Said That the Comparison Method of Valuation Is the Best Method. Do You Agree with This Statement?
It has been said that the Comparison Method of Valuation is the best method. Do you agree with this statement? It has been said that the Comparison Method of Valuation is the best method. I personally agree to this statement but I believe there is no perfect valuation method. All methods have advantages and disadvantages. Valuers always prefer to use the comparative method for assessing market value or market rent, because it links directly to evidence of current market transactions. The other methods: profits, residual, contractors and investment are used when the comparative method cannot be used with full confidence. The comparison method is used to value the main types of property for example houses shops offices and standard warehouses and factories. These are regularly sold or let in the market giving plenty of evidence to support an assessment of rental value or market value of similar properties. The comparison method can be used to calculate the market value of the property and the rental as well; all other methods can provide results for one or the other. So this method is mainly used because it provides solid evidence of the property’s value. All other methods can be manipulated by the valuer. This is the reason why the comparison method is the only acceptable method for court usage. When there is little or no evidence of comparable market transactions the valuer needs to stand in the shoes of the most likely purchaser or tenant to simulate their thinking and calculations they might carry out when assessing how much to pay for the property concerned. To perform a valuation with the comparison method: The valuer needs to be fully aware of the current economic conditions * The market should be stable * There should be plenty of evidence of recent sale in similar properties * In Size * Condition * Age * Area * Type As I notice today it is very hard to find comparable market transactions simply because there are very few transactions done. But even when we do find comparable date the market is so unstable that they aren’t r eliable. The comparison method of valuation is also a basic component of each of the other methods. It plays a vital role in the Investment method. In the first stage of the investment method we need to analyze property sale transactions to establish the relationship between rental income and the capital prices recently paid by investors. So we basically use the comparable data from the comparison method to find a yield or a multiplier which expresses the relationship between rent and capital. And finally we use this yield and the rental income of a property to calculate the current value.
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