Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Jonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal - 996 Words

Jonathan Swift, 18th century writer and political activist, published â€Å"A Modest Proposal† in 1729 in the midst of turmoil in his home country of Ireland. Under British rule Irish citizens were left destitute and neglected, giving Swift the inspiration for â€Å"A Modest Proposal†. Jonathan Swift’s use of Aristotle s modes of persuasion and straight-faced satire broke Ireland s silence, calling out affluent members of British society and religious hierarchy alike, creating one of the most influential pieces of political satireism to this day. Greek philosopher, Aristotle, created the modes of persuasion to show how one can effectively persuade the appeal of an audience. Jonathan Swift uses these modes to begin an empirically sound proposal. Swift starts the essay stating the deplorable state to which the great Irish city of Dublin had fallen. The first lines alone, â€Å"It is a melancholy object to those, who walk through this great town, or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads and cabin-doors crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags, and importuning every passenger for an alms.†, begets an emotional rend in the reader, stabbing at one s humanity while looking upon such grievances. Swift then states the intent of his writing, still grasping the reader’s emotion, with simple and agreeable logistics, that a political solution must be enacted in a â€Å"fair, cheap, and easy† fashion, and that whomever couldShow MoreRelatedJonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal971 Words   |  4 PagesJonathan Swift is a well known writer who wrote Gulliver s Travels and many more lesser known works. A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift can be used to argue many things. The work itself is a pamphlet to that explains how one could go about the famine in Ireland. He sugges ts by his title that this will not be a over the top or extreme suggestion instead being modest and understandable. The most notable part of his work however is the obscenity of it as he describes in detail what the benefitsRead MoreJonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal1008 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to Sparknotes, In the 1700’s, Ireland went through an economic depression as well as other problems in the country such as starvation, overpopulation and intolerable taxation by England. The families in Ireland could not afford to maintain their children therefore the children became a burden. Politicians did nothing to improve Ireland’s situation. These ongoing Problems in Ireland led Jonathan Swift to write,† A Modest Proposal.† In his essay, Swift uses satire to give rational but extremeRead MoreJonathan Swift s Modest Proposal1562 Words   |  7 PagesEmpire. Thesis: Jonathan Swift s Modest Proposal is the most effective in conveying its proposal against Imperialism as a universal theme. Directional Statement: Jonathan Swift s Modest Proposal successfully uses evidence to support its proposal and an effective style of writing. It also presents a clearly defined problem and solution compared to George Orwell s â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† and Thomas Jefferson s â€Å"Declaration of Independence†. Point 1: Swift s Modest Proposal effectively usesRead MoreAnalysis Of Jonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal956 Words   |  4 Pagesissue for the Irish and became a topic of satire ridicule for writers. Specifically, Jonathan Swift demonstrates mockery of this time in one of his written works, â€Å"A Modest Proposal.† The speaker proposes to shift the issues of over population and poverty to a business like mentality by paying woman to bare children and then after a year, gaining a profit by selling and eat their children. The speaker’s proposal to consume the children of Ireland demonstrates a satirical solution to the Irish’s economicRead MoreJonathan Swift s Modest Proposal850 Words   |  4 PagesJonathon Swift â€Å"Modest Proposal† is shocking satire that is supposed to bring to light the ill state of the Irish nation during the time period. Swift was making a point that the state that Ireland was in a major economic crisis and was overpopulated and was in a dire need of a solution, so he propose one. But even though this was written many years ago we can still draw inspiration form it today. The essay begins as a Proposal for a solution to the extreme poverty and over population of IrelandRead MoreJonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal1809 Words   |  8 PagesJonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal is a satirical essay that sardonically uses an outrageous solution to the massive poverty in Ireland. He proposes this lengthy idea of eating children as the solution to the society’s problems. His serious yet hyperbolic and satirical style allows Swift an approach to get people engaged in the difficulties the Irish had to do to survive their everyday life. This essay explores Swift’s ability to use literary devices and how these techniques advance his idea aboutRead MoreJonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal1456 Words   |  6 PagesJonathan Swift was an Irish poet and satirist of the eighteenth century. Although the son of Englishmen, Swift was born and raised in Ireland. While living in Ireland, he witnessed the death of thousands of Irish due to starvation whic h was caused due to crop failure. Swift, who wasn’t even personally affected by the issue, acknowledged that the death of the Irish population which he argues was caused because of the neglect of English landowners. Instead of allowing for the issue to continue to beRead MoreJonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal1859 Words   |  8 Pagessuperiority (Holmes). The satirical literary device was at its peak during the Neoclassical Period in which the enlightenment writer, Jonathan Swift, was exceptional at this writing style (Jokinen). He excelled at rebuking Britain’s flaws and pointed out the hypocrisy at the time by extensive ridicule of the conventual school of thought. Jonathan Swift’s, A Modest Proposal is an inspiration to many aspiring satirical authors, as he is admired as a rhetorical virtuoso that shed light on the profuse moralRead MoreAnalysis of Jonathan Swift ´s A Modest Proposal Essay532 Words   |  3 Pagesdone, the issue hasn’t been fazed a bit. From Jonathan Swift’s Modest Proposal, he clarifies the poverty issued throughout Ireland in the early 1700’s and how one suggestion could change it all. Elaborated from the Literary Reference Center, â€Å"A Modest Proposal, like Gulliver’s Travels, transcends the political, social, and economic crisis that gave birth to it, woeful as they were. Packed with irony and satirical revelations of the human condition†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Swift wasn’t just writing a masterpiece, but an intendedRead MoreCollectivism Vs. Individualism : The Unknown Citizen And Jonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal1783 Words   |  8 Pagespolitically, with emphasis on the role a person takes in society, or philosophically- what makes a person think collectively or individually. Even though one might say that both theories are important, both W.H. Auden s The Unknown Citizen and Jonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal reflect criticisms of collectivism and promotes individualism. There are two main types of collectivism: â€Å"horizontal collectivism† and â€Å"vertical collectivism†. Collectivism has been characterized as horizontal collectivism

Monday, December 16, 2019

Syria and Lebanon Free Essays

Have you ever wondered what it is like to live on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, where warmth covers your back year-round? Have you ever desired to live in a place of nature and beauty? If you lived in Lebanon, you’d know exactly what I am talking about. Lebanon is a small but extraordinary country located in the Middle East. Lebanon is famous for many things. We will write a custom essay sample on Syria and Lebanon or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of those things would be their healthy, yet tasty food. An example would be Hummus. Hummus is a very common food in Lebanon, which is eaten very often there. Hummus is made out of chickpeas, with other various seasonings.Not only are the Lebanese people known for their amazing food, but their dance and poetry. Lebanon is famous for two types of dances in specific. The first one is Dabkeh. Dabkeh is a dance that is usually done on special occasions such as weddings, by men and women of all ages. The second dance is the Raqs sharqi, belly dancing. Women, usually at fancy restaurants or concerts, do this type of dance. Last but not least the Lebanese are very well known for zajal, or poetry. Khalil Gibran, who was Lebanese, was very well known for this.As I was researching my topic on Lebanon I found some weird, yet interesting facts. First, I would like to begin with the government of Lebanon. This is something that is very popularly discussed. The government of Lebanon is the complete opposite of the United States, and was designed by France when Lebanon gained their independence from them in 1943. The president must be Maronite Catholic. Michel Suleiman currently holds this position. Since Lebanon does not have a vice president they have a speaker of the house instead. A Shi’tte Muslim can only take this position, and that person is Nabih Berri.Last but not least there is the prime minister, and a Sunni Muslim can only take this position. Saad Hariri currently holds it. The purpose of this odd government is to show that no religion will overpower the other. There are so many other facts about Lebanon that will most definitely surprise you. Did you know that 30% of the Lebanese people in Lebanon are Christian? The most surprising part is that this is the highest percentage in all of the Arab countries. Another cool fact is that 70% of all students in Lebanon are put in private schools.With this high percentage, the rate for doctors in Lebanon is about one doctor per twenty people. Another main reason for such a high rate can be because Lebanon is also known to have as many as forty-two universities. With all of this, there has been estimated about twelve million people outside of Lebanon! There was so much new information that I had come across on while researching my endless topic. Did you know that way before countries were organized the Lebanese people were actually known as the Phoenicians? The Phoenicians actually lived in the city of Byblos, which is in Lebanon. Byblos is also known to be the oldest living city in the world! It was actually in that city, that the first alphabet was created. This alphabet was very similar to the one we use today and consists of twenty-two consonants. The Phoenicians created this. It was also said that the Phoenicians, who were very good sailors, reached the America’s long before Christopher Columbus did. Not only did I come across new information about the history of Lebanon, but also its recent actions. I was very surprised to hear that the first law school was built in downtown Beirut, Lebanon’s capital.Lebanon is also the only Arab country without a desert. Did you know that Beirut was rebuilt seven times! This mainly had to happen after wars. One last thing, that I had to see to believe, was that the word â€Å"Lebanon† appears seventy-one times in the Old Testament. Everyone in Lebanon, especially in the older generations had a certain job. Some may not call their duty a job, rather than their lifeline. What I mean is that some people were kind of forced into what they had to do, to keep themselves out of the streets. Some effects of this, was that some people became peddlers.Peddlers are people who usually migrate to another place, in hope of a better lifestyle. That place was almost always the United States, which is also why there are so many Lebanese people here. Peddlers also brought with them certain goods from their home country, which is Lebanon in this case, and open up a small shop and sell them for a higher price. Some things that would be sold were rugs, crafts, and mainly fruit and vegetables. If the peddler could not open a shop, because they lack money, they would just push around a cart all day. More than half of the things that were put on the cart were sold by the end of the day.With the money that was made, the peddlers would send money back to their families, in their home country. They would usually save up the rest and spend little on themselves, in hope that one day they would have enough money to open a shop. Generally, peddlers did make a good amount of money, but was a very tiring job. Some people also like to call their jobs a career. In Lebanon, there is always this annual contest that many other countries take part in as well. For Lebanon this contest is called â€Å"Miss Lebanon. † This contest is somewhat a beauty pageant that only woman can take part in.The women are not only judged on beauty, although are asked questions concerning political and economical issues. The winner is the person whose total score is the highest wins. In conclusion, Lebanon may be small, but its history is huge. You could keep reading on and on, and you could still find something to interest you. I think that is why it is said to have the most books written about it. Anyway, getting the opportunity to research and learn more about my home country was a pleasure. I don’t think there is anything more rewarding than gaining knowledge. How to cite Syria and Lebanon, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Consumer buying process model Essay Example For Students

Consumer buying process model Essay Consumer Buying Decision Process: Mobile Phone CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Page 1 of 15 1. 1 Origin of the report: As the students of MBA program in East West University is assigned to prepare a term paper on Consumer buying process model and it is based on my own buying experience by my honorable course instructor Professor, Dr. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury Which is a partial requirement of the course Marketing Management (MKT 501). 1. 2 Background of the study: This report is prepared on Consumer buying process model. In the preparation of this paper work I have experienced some new concepts which I did not before. This report will give a brief picture of Consumer buing process of a mobile phone as this paper is made based on my own mobile phone buying experience. By preparing such report I have learned how to prepare a good report in real life scenario and practical concept that will help me to develop my skills. 1. 3 Objective of the Study: The report has broad as well as specific objectives. Broad Objective Specific Objectives The broad objective of the report is: 0 To analyze and understand the consumer buying process of a mobile phone. The specific objectives of the report are: To analyze different factors that influences consumer buying process. To gather develop some recommendations regarding the buying process of mobile handset. To study the consumers behaviour towards different mobile handsets. Page 2 of 1 5 1. 4 Scope: The output of this report will help to understand the consumers choice and preference on different brands of Mobile handset. The present study considers different mobil e handsets like Nokia, Sony Ericson, LG, Samsung, Motorolaetc etc. The main objective of this study is to analyze the consumer buying process during taking new mobile handsets. The report covers all those areas necessary to accomplish an effective analysis. So, the study provides some real chance to explore the factors. 1. 5 Methodology: Source of data Information used in the report is collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources All the necessary primary information is gathered from personal observation and buying experience of mobile handset. Secondary sources Some secondary data have been collected to make the report work more concrete. These data have been collected from: 0 Books and Journals 0 Research paper on different market survey Wikipedia 0 Websites of mobile handset company 1. Limitation: To prepare the report within the given time period I have tried my best to collect all necessary information to make the report work resourceful. The study has great importance and requires huge work. I have faced some limitation in completing of the report. 0 Problem faced to recall all the activities during my purchase time. 0 Lack of time 0 Insufficient of proper books, term papers, Journals etc. Page 3 of 15 Chapte r 2 Consumer Buying Process Overview Page 4 of 1 5 2. 1 Consumer buying decision process: Buyer decision processes are the decision making processes undertaken by purchase of a product or service. Behind the visible act of making a purchase lies a decision process. So, The purchase decision process is the stages a buyer passes through in making choices about which products and services to buy. 2. 2 Consumer buying decision process stages: Marketing scholars have developd a stage model of buying decision process. The consumer passes through five stages: Problem recognition, Information search, Evaluation of alternatives, Purchase decision and post purchase behaviour. So, What we can see is the buying process starts long before the actual purchase and has concequences long afterward. Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation of Alternatives Purchase Decision Post purchase Behaviour Figure: Consumer Buying Decision Process (5 Stages) Problem Recognition in this stage, a consumer realizes or recognizes that their desired state is different from their actual condition. This could be a simple as Im hungry, I need food. Information Search in this stage, a consumer recognizes their need (or want) and sets forth to find a solution. Mitigation EssayI went some of those and tested some of the models to get a clear idea about how it feels and how comfortable it is to use. Through gathering information from different sources, I learn about the different ompeting brands currently available in the market and what are the feathers they are offering. The search process was a very goos experience for me and helped me a lot in organizing those information for an effective decision making to bring a very few models under my serious consuderation. Nokia Samsung Sony Ericsson Motorolla Sony Ericsson HTC Symphony Apple Walton Micromax Blackberry Figure: Adoption Process In the first, I was aware about lots pf brand available in the market but when it comes to regarding my interest, I choose 6 out of 11 brands available in the market. After collecting more information and evaluation, the list came down to 5 brands. After adopted Sony ericsson. page 10 of 15 3. 3 Evaluation of Alternatives: Evaluation of Alternatives, in this stage I already have a good idea of what I want, now I am looking at the options that exists. I evaluate the features of products and different brands. For choosing the best one for me, I have used compensatory heuristics method for evaluating those alternatives. The available options (models) for me was Sony ericsson Xperia mint, Samsung Galaxy Ace, Sony Ericsson wt19, HTC ildfire S and Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S The attributes I was looking for in those models of smart phones are Music quality, Hardware specification, Camera quality, Display size and Affordability. Among those attributes, music qualtiy was most important for me So I gave 30% importance to this attributes, rest of the importance was, for Hardware specification 25%, Affordability 20 %, Camera quality 1 5 % and Display size 10%. After putting all those information in the value expectancy model, the result is given bellow: Smart Phone Models Attributes Hardware Quality Sony ericsson Music Affordability Camera Display Size Specification 6. 5 7 8 8. 5 7. Xperia mini Galaxy Ace wt19 HTC wildfire s Xperia Arc S Table: My brand beliefs about different models of smart phones Each attributes here is rated from O to 10 where 10 represent the highest level on that attribute. Page 11 of 15 After getting all those numbers about different attributes which represents my brand belief about different models of smart phone from different brands, I multiply those number with the importance ( Weight) that I gave for each attributes. After doing So what I have got is: Smart Phone ericsson 6. 5 (. 30) 7 (. 25) 8 (. 20) 6. 5 (. 15)