Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Constitutional Issue of Abortion :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

The Constitutional Issue of Abortion   Three Works Cited    Many individuals accept premature birth is just an ethical issue, yet it is likewise an established issue. It is a lady's entitlement to pick what she does with her body, and it ought not be adjusted or impacted by any other individual. This privilege is ensured by the ninth correction, which contains the privilege to security. The ninth revision expresses: The list in the Constitution, of specific rights, will not be interpreted to deny or vilify others held by the individuals. This correct ensures the privilege to ladies, in the event that they so pick, to have a premature birth, up to the finish of the principal trimester.   Despite the reality of ethics, a lady has the privilege to security and decision to prematurely end her baby. The individuals that hold an ace life see contend that a lady who has a premature birth is slaughtering a kid. The genius decision viewpoint holds this isn't the situation. An embryo isn't yet a child. It doesn't groups the rules got from our comprehension of living people.   In a striking protection of this position, scholar Mary Anne Warren has proposed the accompanying models for individual hood: 1) cognizance (of items and occasions outside as well as interior to the being), and specifically the ability to feel torment. 2) thinking (the created ability to take care of new and generally complex issues) 3) self-propelled movement (action which is moderately free of either hereditary or direct outer control) 4) the ability to impart, by whatever implies, messages of an inconclusive assortment of potential substance, however on uncertainly numerous potential points. 5) the nearness of self-ideas, and mindfulness, either individual or social, or both. (Favoring one side - Volume 3).   A few cases have been battled for the option to pick. A large number of these have been hard cases with individual emotions, yet the persistence appeared on the other side and gives us the rights we have today. Here are some significant cases: 1965 - Griswold v. Connecticut - maintained the privilege to security and finished the prohibition on anti-conception medication. After eight years, the Supreme Court managed the privilege to security included premature births. Roe v. Swim depended on this case. 1973 - Roe v. Swim: - The territory of Texas had banned premature births. The Supreme Court announced the law unlawful, yet would not structure a directive against the state. On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court casted a ballot the privilege to protection included premature births.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Research Methods and Methodologies in Accounting and Management Essay

Research Methods and Methodologies in Accounting and Management - Essay Example August Comte was the savant, which authored the term positivism and connected it with experimentation, which accepts that true information must be picked up with the assistance of our faculties, human experience, and check. Positivist specialists planned for making components with which they could create theory, test them in a way, which causes them to anticipate the future events or conduct (Scott and Morrison, pp. 314-316, 2006; Cohen, pp. 124-125, 2007). The positivist research approach is otherwise called the logical methodology where the consistent of request depends on reason, realities, and encounters. Holding information on anything, which is past the human experience or which can't be watched or estimated, is incomprehensible (Eriksson and Kovalainen, pp. 89-91, 2008). For instance, in his exploration and studies, the focal point of B. F. Skinner was on watching the foreseeing the positive and negative strengthens of conduct and he proceeded to evade all other social, human and social elements which can affect the procedure since it is absurd to expect to watch, gauge and anticipate them (Phillimore and Goodson, pp. 209-211, 2004). In addition, positivist analyst stay away from the abstract condition of people since they imagine that people are uninvolved and responsive to the outside upgrades, which makes their reasoning and conduct unsurprising and shameful of consideration. This dehumanizes the individuals as well as makes them disgraceful of through and through freedom (Zalan and Lewis, pp. 507-508, 2004). Positivist specialists proceed to accept that the whole universe is taking a shot at explicit standards of circumstances and logical results. In addition, so as to reveal reality, the specialist should attempt to discover those circumstances and logical results connection and utilize that to foresee the future occasions, events, and practices (McNiff and Whitehead, pp. 10-12, 2000; Creswell, pp. 235-236, 2009). Positivist research techniques inco rporate exploratory research and distinct research. As the name proposes, trial inquire about happens when the scientists purposely control certain variables under profoundly controlled and checked conditions (Johnson and Christensen, pp. 346-347, 2010; Cohen, pp. 124-125, 2007). Understandably, the reason stays to feature interfaces between factors while controlling various components. Under the umbrella of enlightening examination, scientists use studies, contextual investigations, formative investigations, corelational contemplates, pattern studies, and others (Eriksson and Kovalainen, pp. 89-91, 2008; Scott and Morrison, pp. 314-316, 2006). Basic Research Methodology On the other hand, basic scientists believe that social reality has its underlying foundations in history and despite the fact that, individuals may attempt to change themselves and their world however during the time spent the doing so they wind up confronted with different social, financial, social and political o bstructions. It was Jurgen Habermas, one of the main German thinkers of the 21st century, who merits the credit for creating and supporting this methodology in the field of sociologies and research so as to investigate the verifiable powers, which have the intensity of limit the human opportunity and equity in the general public (Creswell, pp. 235-236, 2009). Karl Marx, Georg Hegel, Paulo Freire, and others have additionally assumed a significant job being developed of this hypothesis (Eriksson and Kovalainen, pp. 89-91, 2008; Zalan and Lewis, pp. 507-508, 2004). Like the interpretativists, basic analysts likewise address and recognize the way that the component of subjectivity is available in perceptions however

Monday, August 3, 2020

Online Collaboration in the Classroom with Mind Maps - Focus

Online Collaboration in the Classroom with Mind Maps - Focus Online collaboration has become very popular in both education and business. We now have the ability to easily and freely share all file types using different cloud-based platforms. People working collectively on a project or assignment no longer need to be in the same room or even in the same country for that matter. Collaborative platforms have enabled educators to create online learning environments where students can benefit from sharing ideas and communicating with each other, their mentors and external organizations. Mind Mapping and Online Collaboration Mind maps are an excellent method for individuals to graphically represent and structure ideas or thoughts. It is a very valuable tool which can be used for project management, creating to-do lists, idea generation, planning articles or papers. When used as an online collaboration tool, mind mapping  also gives students a platform to work simultaneously on an idea, and a facility for learning together. Introducing mind mapping to students is a great way to encourage group participation and when managed properly, will generate great results. Benefits of Collaborative Tools in the Classroom Improved communication between students, lecturers, and research groups Facilitates visual thinking, promotes critical thinking Supports collaborative group projects Prepares for team work in a business environment Maps and files can easily be accessed from school and from home Collaborative Mind Mapping Uses Using mind mapping for collaboration presents students with the opportunity to share ideas with peers and to think creatively through social inspiration. Here are just some of the situations where mind mapping can be used as a solution for online collaboration: Managing group projects Class assignments Sharing lecture notes Brainstorming sessions Study sessions Group presentations The video below is an example of how multiple users can collaborate on one map theyre creating an IKEA shopping list for their office. All changes to the mind map can be seen in real-time by all collaborators Mind Mapping Example: Project Management Next time you are conducting  group projects in your classroom, encourage students to use a mind map from the beginning. To get started, students  can follow these easy steps: Create a mind map with the title of the project Invite all teams members to be collaborators Have a brainstorming session with all collaborators At this point, they  should have a map with many topics, ideas, and tasks to be completed. The next step is to appoint a team leader who can: Sort and structure all of the information in the map Delegate tasks, create deadlines and set reminders for each member Once this has been completed students  will have very quickly created a project plan and a great starting point for the project. Online mind mapping software such as MindMeister  also supports smartphones and tablets, meaning that students  can  access and work on their maps anywhere, anytime. Conclusion Online collaboration is becoming ever more important and is being used by businesses all over the world to increase productivity and creativity. Following the principle that two brains are better than one, many companies are taking advantage of new software being made available to them. Collaborating online has many benefits in education but it is also very important that students are prepared for such working environments after their studies. New online collaborative tools are emerging every day with numerous platforms for saving and sharing files, conducting meetings and managing projects. What sets online mind mapping apart from other such tools is its visual aspect. Not only can files be stored and shared on the cloud but you can also see and watch how the whole thought process evolves and how a conclusion is  formed. And because each collaborator can add to a mind map simultaneously, no one person can dominate the direction or outcome! Try Online Mind Mapping in Your Classroom Get Started Edu Get Started

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Huitzilopochtli, the Founding Deity of the Aztecs

Huitzilopochtli (pronounced Weetz-ee-loh-POSHT-lee and meaning Hummingbird on the Left) was one of the most important of the Aztec gods, the god of the sun, warfare, military conquest and sacrifice, who according to tradition, led the Mexica people from Aztlan, their mythical homeland, into Central Mexico. According to some scholars, Huitzilopochtli could have been a historical figure, probably a priest, who was transformed into a god after his death. Huitzilopochtli is known as the portentous one, the god who indicated to the Aztecs/Mexica where they should build their great capital city, Tenochtitlan. He appeared in dreams to the priests and told them to settle on an island, in the middle of Lake Texcoco, where they would see an eagle perching on a cactus. This was the divine sign. Birth of Huitzilopochtli According to a Mexica legend, Huitzilopochtli was born on Coatepec  or Snake Hill. His mother was the goddess Coatlicue, whose name means â€Å"She of the Serpent Skirt,† and she was the goddess of Venus, the morning star. Coatlicue was attending the temple on Coatepec and sweeping its floors when a ball of feathers fell on the floor and impregnated her. According to the origin myth, when Coatlicues daughter Coyolxauhqui (goddess of the moon) and Coyolxauhquis four hundred brothers (Centzon Huitznahua, the gods of the stars) discovered she was pregnant, they plotted to kill their mother. As the 400 stars reached Coatlicue, decapitating her, Huitzilopochtli (god of the sun) suddenly emerged fully armed from his mother’s womb and, attended by a fire serpent (xiuhcoatl), killed Coyolxauhqui by dismembering her. Then, he threw her body down the hill and proceeded to kill his 400 siblings. Thus, the history of the Mexica is replayed every dawn, when the sun rises victoriously over the horizon after conquering the moon and stars. Huitzilopochtli’s Temple While Huitzilopochtlis first appearance in Mexica legend was as a minor hunting god, he became elevated to a major deity after the Mexica settled in Tenochtitlà ¡n and formed the Triple Alliance. The Great Temple of Tenochtitlan (or Templo Mayor) is the most important shrine dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, and its shape symbolized a replica of Coatepec. At the foot of the temple, on the Huitzilopochtli side, lay a massive sculpture portraying the dismembered body of Coyolxauhqui, found during excavations for electric utility works in 1978. The Great Temple was actually a twin shrine dedicated to Huitzilopochtli and the rain god Tlaloc, and it was among the first structures to be built after the founding of the capital. Dedicated to both gods, the temple symbolized the economic basis of the empire: both war/tribute and agriculture. It was also the center of the crossing of the four main causeways that connected the Tenochtitlà ¡n to the mainland. Images of Huitzilopochtli Huitzilopochtli is typically portrayed with a dark face, fully armed, and holding a snake-shaped scepter and a smoking mirror, a disc from which emerges one or more wisps of smoke. His face and body are painted in yellow and blue stripes, with a black, star-bordered eye mask and a turquoise nose rod. Hummingbird feathers covered the body of his statue at the great temple, along with cloth and jewels. In painted images, Huitzilopochtli wears the head of a hummingbird attached to the back of his head or as a helmet; and he carries a shield of turquoise mosaic or clusters of white eagle feathers. As a representative symbol of Huitzilopochtli (and others of the Aztec pantheon), feathers were an important symbol in Mexica culture. Wearing them was the prerogative of the nobility who adorned themselves with brilliant plumes, and went into battle wearing feathered cloaks. Feathered cloaks and feathers were wagered in games of chance and skill and were traded among allied nobles. Aztec rulers kept aviaries and tribute stores for feather-workers, specifically employed to produce ornate objects. Huitzilopochtlis Festivities December was the month dedicated to Huitzilopochtli celebrations. During these festivities, called Panquetzalitzli, the Aztec people decorated their homes held ceremonies with dances, processions, and sacrifices. A huge statue of the god was made out of amaranth and a priest impersonated the god for the duration of the ceremonies. Three other ceremonies during the year were dedicated at least in part to Huitzilopochtli. Between July 23 and August 11, for example, was Tlaxochimaco, the Offering of Flowers, a festival dedicated to war and sacrifice, celestial creativity and divine paternalism, when singing, dancing and human sacrifices honored the dead and Huitzilopochtli. Updated by K. Kris Hirst Sources Berdan, Frances F.  Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory. Cambridge University Press, 2014, New York.Boone, Elizabeth H. Incarnations of the Aztec Supernatural: The Image of Huitzilopochtli in Mexico and Europe. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 79, no. 2, 1989, pp. i-107.Taube, Karl. Aztec and Maya Myths. Fourth Edition. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas.Van Turenhout, DR.  The Aztecs: New Perspectives. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2005.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Music Therapy Use For Autism Spectrum Disorder - 3381 Words

Music Therapy Use for Autism Spectrum Disorder According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with autism. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a serious neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs a child’s ability to communicate and interact with others (Mayo Clinic, 2014). Individuals who suffer from this disorder are often hindered by behaviors that keep them from properly functioning in their everyday lives. It is hard for a child with autism to form and maintain relationships with family and friends since they are lacking the proper behavioral skills to do so. When a child is diagnosed with ASD, three crucial areas of development are affected: verbal and nonverbal communication, behavior, and social interaction. Since there is no known cause or cure for this disorder, early treatment methods, such as music therapy, can be used to make a huge difference in the lives of the children with ASD. Using music therapy for children wi th ASD involves a board-certified music therapist working with autistic children to explore the benefits that music can have on their behavior, communication, and development of social skills. Children who are diagnosed with ASD have many treatment types available to them. Most of these treatment options are centered on the development of the autistic children’s social and behavioral skills, which can help them achieve as normal of a life as possible. Without treatment, most children with ASD willShow MoreRelatedTherapies For Autistic Children.Individuals Take For Granted1678 Words   |  7 PagesTherapies for Autistic Children Individuals take for granted the luxury of embodying qualities such as communication, interaction, and social and motor skills. Although, individuals may determine the aforementioned skills are more difficult to obtain because of a disability. Autism or autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that effects many children in the United States of America. Communication, interaction, and motor and social skills are usually effected in the autistic child. Read MoreBenefits Of Music Therapy On Children Essay1651 Words   |  7 PagesBenefits of Music Therapy in Autistic children Benefits of Music Therapy in Autistic children Literature Review Zuleima Haskins â€Æ' Introduction Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of conditions of the brain development. (Vries, 2015). The main characteristic of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is that they have difficulties to adapt and interact with other people. Also, individuals with Autism have problems with their development of verbal and nonverbal communicationRead MoreTreatment Options Used for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder1440 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is known as a neurodevelopmental disorder that is capable of weakening communication, behavior and socialization. The term ASD includes three major subtypes which is Autism Spectrum Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Asperger’s Disorder. About 9.0 in 1000 children have ASD and certain types of autism might not be identified until three years of life. The probability of boys being diagnosed is higher compared to girls (Bravaccio et al. 2013)Read MoreAutism Is Not Just One Disorder And It Affects The Normal Development Of A Child s Brain1498 Words   |  6 Pagesin a child with autism. According to the Autism Society of America, it is reported as the fastest-growing disability, reaching epidemic proportions at a rate of 10-17 percent per year. Most parents recognize the signs and symptoms of autism anytime between birth and the first three years of their child’s life. Autism is classified as a neurological disorder and it affect s the normal development of a child’s brain. Autism is not just one disorder, but a group of related disorders with a shared setRead MoreThe Implementation Of Music Therapy Workshop Essay1398 Words   |  6 PagesResources. Time: Parents will need eight hours of proper training in the implementation of music therapy, such as songs, improvisation, and movement to music. Professional Proctors: Training will be provided alongside proctors in the eight-hour â€Å"implementation of music therapy workshop† to promote competence of the therapy. Money: Participants will be paid a stipend for participating for the duration of the workshop. An estimated financial need is $2,500. An $825 budget will be set aside forRead MoreIs Music Therapy Effective For Mental Disorders?915 Words   |  4 Pages2016 Is Music Therapy Effective in Mental Disorders? Music therapy serves as an alternative therapy to help many people with mental disorders, such as autism. Autism, a disorder that interferes with communication and cognitive development in the brain. Thus, music therapy aids in medical treatment, for example, using music therapy to overcome communication barriers in some patients. As an alternative therapy, it sometimes negatively impacts some spectrum disorders, such as autism. AlthoughRead MoreThe Effects Of Music On Children With Autism1476 Words   |  6 Pagespeople are becoming aware of the problem of autism. With the overall number of children effected with autism increasing everyday, there is a panic to find a solution to better treatment and therapy. As a result, the costs of autism care could reach an all time high of well over one hundred billion dollars. Without proper research this number could rise even more. Therefore, there is a need for better groundwork to bring the predicted cost of autism care down. To assure that the explorartionRead MoreMusic Therapy For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder1699 Words   |  7 Pageslife. This special kind of creativity can help some children on the autism spectrum with regulating behaviors, help them cope with anxieties and frustration, and improve focus and attention. This art may also help a child to socially interact with their peers. May also help a non-verbal child to open up and begin to communicate, whether it would be verbally or non verbally (New Hope for Autism: Music Therapy for Children with Autism and Asperger s Syndrome). Now imagine that you were a parent whoRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1998 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most researched child disorders. It affects every 1 in 100 people, affecting 4 times the amount of boys than it does girls. ASD can be detected in children as early as 18 months and is a lifelong condition affecting the social and communitive interactions in child’s life. Autism affects every person differently and to a different degree of severity. The symptoms of Autism present differently in each case and differ in development. The understandingRead MoreThe Importance Of Music For This Group Of Pupils814 Words   |  4 PagesMoreover, it is a naturalistic and qualitative study, which comprises of two sets of data, observation notes and interview questions. The participants were five teachers of students with autism in special primary schools in the area of Bristol, in the UK. Ethical considerations were taken into account before collecting the data by ensuring the confidentiality and anonymity of the participants through a conse nt form that was granted to the participants, while it was made clear that they could withdraw

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Themes of Robert Frosts Poetry Free Essays

The main themes of Robert frosts poetry are: Nature and mans interaction with it. Also real people and real struggle; the deeper meanings of everyday life. For this essay I will discuss ‘mending wall’, ‘the road not taken’, ‘out, out-‘ and ‘provide, provide’. We will write a custom essay sample on The Themes of Robert Frosts Poetry or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mending wall is about a stone wall separating the speaker’s property from his neighbour’s. In spring, the two meet to walk the wall and make any necessary repairs. The speaker sees no reason for the wall to be kept as there are no livestock to contain. This wall building act seems to have ancient roots. It involves spells to stop the elves or whoever from breaking the wall. The neighbor appears a stone-age savage while hoisting and re-building the wall. This poem deals with nature and peoples interactions with it. By keeping the wall in good condition they are keeping their land and also their relationship healthy. The road not taken, in this the speaker stands in the woods, considering a fork in the road. Both ways are equally worn and overlaid with untrodden leaves. The speaker chooses one telling himself he’ll choose the other another day . et he knows it is unlikely that he will have the opportuninty. This fork in the road which shows two paths symbolises free will and fate; we are free to choose, but we do not really know what we are choosing between. This is a real decision real people make in everyday life. In outout frosts decpicts the abrupt death of a young boy whose hand was cut off during an accident with a buzz saw. The boys begs his sister not to allow the docto r to amputate his hand but inwardly realises he has lost too much blood. The boy dies under anesthesia and everyone goes abck to work. Frost seems to be sayong there was no real need for the boys death and the adults are to bkame in thos situation. Hpwever frost knows death is a part of life. This poem nderlines the inevitability of death and the futitily of life. Provide provide is a reminder that life can be harsh and unforgiving. Frost wrote this poem in hos early sixties and was probably feeling like life was catching up on him. He was beginning to feel his age. Frosts talks about the facts of getting oler, for example beauty fades and we should enjoy our fifteen minutes of fame because they won’t last . he also offers some advice; make sure you die early so people remember you as young, but if you aren’t lucky enough to die young make a lot of money so you can live and die in comfort. When the time comes to die make sure you surround your self with friends you either made or bought, don’t die alone. The last two lines are also the title reminding us to provide for our old age because no one else will. This poem features heavily on regret. Frost regrets that he spent too much time living in the present and didn’t put anything aside for hos later years, he seems quite bitter about this. This poem is also about mortality and the face that old, and subsequently death, happens to everyone. Robert frost deals with life issues in his poetry. He writes openly about his opinions on life and death. These topics affect us all and therefore we can relate to them. How to cite The Themes of Robert Frosts Poetry, Papers

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Ryan Strassburger SAE Coming Of Age October 10, 1996 A Lesson Before D

Ryan Strassburger SAE Coming of Age October 10, 1996 A Lesson Before Dying In A Lesson Before Dying, Mr. Grant Wiggins' life crises were the center of the story. Although he was supposed to make Jefferson into a man, he himself became more of one as a result. Not to say that Jefferson was not in any way transformed from the "hog" he was into an actual man, but I believe this story was really written about Mr. Wiggins. Mr. Wiggins improved as a person greatly in this book, and that helped his relationships with other people for the most part. At the start of the book, he more or less hated Jefferson, but after a while he became his friend and probably the only person Jefferson felt he could trust. The turning point in their relationship was the one visit in which Jefferson told Mr. Wiggins that he wanted a gallon of ice cream, and that he never had enough ice cream in his whole life. At that point Jefferson confided something in Mr. Wiggins, something that I didn't see Jefferso n doing often at all in this book. "I saw a slight smile come to his face, and it was not a bitter smile. Not bitter at all"; this is the first instance in which Jefferson breaks his somber barrier and shows emotions. At that point he became a man, not a hog. As far as the story tells, he never showed any sort of emotion before the shooting or after up until that point. A hog can't show emotions, but a man can. There is the epiphany of the story, where Mr. Wiggins realizes that the purpose of life is to help make the world a better place, and at that time he no longer minds visiting Jefferson and begins becoming his friend. Mr. Wiggins' relationship with his Aunt declined in this story, although it was never very strong. His Aunt treated him like he should be a hog and always obey, yet she wanted him to make a hog into a man. His Aunt was not a very nice person, she would only show kindness towards people who shared many of her views, and therefore was probably a very har d person to get along with. The way Mr. Wiggins regarded his relationships most likely would have been different were he white. Mr. Wiggins feels, and rightly so, that several white men try to mock or make a fool of him throughout the story. This was a time of racial discrimination with much bigotry, so if the story took place in the present, it would be much different. In fact, there probably would have not even been a book because in the modern day, and honest and just jury would have found him innocent due to the lack of evidence. It wasn't really clear what sort of situation Mr. Wiggins was in regarding money, but he could not have been too well off because he needed to borrow money to purchase a radio for Jefferson, and he commented about the Rainbow Cafe: "When I was broke, I could always get a meal and pay later, and the same went for the bar." I suppose he had enough money to get by, but not much extra. As the book progresses he probably had less money to work with due to the money he was spending to buy the radio, comic books, and other items for Jefferson. Mr. Wiggins seemed to be well respected by the community, and he felt superior to other African Americans because he was far more educated than they were. That makes Mr. Wiggins guilty of not practicing what he preaches, although Jefferson probably made it clearer to him that the less intelligent are still humans with feelings. At the start of the book, Mr. Wiggins did not understand this. He went to visit Jefferson because Miss Emma and his Aunt more or less forced him to do it. He really had no motivation except that he would be shunned by his Aunt if he did not comply. The whole process of Mr. Wiggins' development and the plot of this story both spawn from the crimes of

Saturday, March 21, 2020

30 Baseball Idioms

30 Baseball Idioms 30 Baseball Idioms 30 Baseball Idioms By Mark Nichol The sport nostalgically known as â€Å"America’s Pastime† (though football now reigns supreme) is the source of many evocative idioms whose meanings now extend beyond the baseball diamond. Here are thirty of those phrases and their meanings when used past the warning track. 1. ballpark figure: a rough estimate 2. bat a thousand: a reference to a continuing series of successes, alluding to a baseball player who gets on base every time at bat 3. box score: a count or summary (from the chart on which a games statistical details are recorded; applicable to various sports but originating in reference to baseball) 4. bush league: a sports organization subordinate to the major leagues (referring to the usually rural locations of such teams; can apply to any sport but originated in reference to baseball) 5. curve ball: something unexpected (from the unpredictable trajectory of that type of baseball pitch) 6. go to bat for: support (from the notion of a batter contributing to his team) 7–8. hit a home run/hit one out of the park: be successful 9. in the ballpark: close; said of an estimate (compared to being within the confines of a stadium) 10–11. it’s a whole new ball game/different ball game: a reference to a changed situation 12. keep (one’s) eyes on the ball: maintain focus (compared to a batter concentrating on a pitch) 13. major league: significant, as in a reference to a company that is one of the leaders in its industry or line of business (from the fact that the major leagues are the pinnacle of achievement in sports) 14. off base: wrong, or on the wrong track (from the notion of a player not being in contact with one of the bases) 15. on deck: next in line (from the location designated for the next batter to await his turn) 16. out in left field: said of a person with an eccentric or unusual idea (from the idea of left field being a distant location) 17. out of (one’s) league: said of one who is trying to succeed in an area in which he or she faces superior competition or is striving to achieve too much (originally from baseball but applicable to many sports) 18. (hit it) out of the park: succeed (comparing a success to a home run) 19. pinch hitter: substitute (from the designation of a player taking another’s place at bat) 20. play ball: cooperate 21. play hardball: act aggressively (from the density of a baseball as compared to a softball) 22. rain check: a promise to make good on an offer (from tickets offered for rescheduled sporting events postponed by rain; originated in baseball but applicable to any outdoor sport or event) 23. softball: an easy, noncontroversial question 24. step up to the plate: take responsibility (compared to a player taking his turn at bat) 25. strike out: fail, especially repeatedly 26. strikes against (one): said of more than one disadvantage or mistake a person has against him or her 27. swing for the fences: perform with great effort or intensity (as compared to a baseball player trying to hit a home run) 28. three strikes and you’re out: a reference to someone being given three chances to succeed (analogous to the three strikes a hitter is allowed before being called out) 29. throw (one) a curve: surprise someone with something unexpected or not expected as presented (as compared to a curveball) 30. touch base: contact (compared to a player landing a foot on a base) Video Version Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidExpanded and Extended20 Ways to Cry

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

TSS -- Therapeutic Support Staff or One to One Aide

TSS Therapeutic Support Staff or One to One Aide Definition: A TSS or Therapeutic Support Staff, is staff that supports individual students. They are often called one to one aides or wrap around staff. Therapeutic support staff are hired to work with an individual student. Their employment is usually named as an accommodation in that students IEP. TSS are often paid for or paid by the local (county) mental health agency rather than the school district. Qualifications:   Being a TSS does not require a college degree, but often graduates with degrees in psychology find work as a TSS while they are pursuing advanced degrees. Requirements for employment as a TSS or One on One (as they are often popularly referred to) may vary from state to state or agency to agency, but often some college is required.    Usually these positions are considered educational rather than custodial, and many states are trying to avoid using TSSs.   Some are economic, but some are educational, as a student with a TSS often becomes prompt dependent and unable to function independently. Responsibility:   A TSSs primary responsibility is to the student for whom they are hired. They may help the teacher or other students in order to create a positive environment for their student, but they are not supervised directly by the teacher, but by the IEP. Hopefully, a TSS will see him or herself as a part of the educational team.   There is no question that the teacher, as the leader in a classroom, should command the cooperation of the TSS.   Often a TSS is assigned so that a child can spent more time in a general education classroom, and will work one on one with the student to help him or her do age appropriate general education curricular tasks.   Sometimes the TSS will bring the students folder of modified word from the special education resource room to complete parallel.    It is important for the General Educator to communicate with the TSS to establish which general education tasks (especially in content, such as science or social studies) the student can do with the class, rather than what may be in their folder.   A Partnership:   Although the TSSs responsibility is for the student, when the special education teacher works closely with the TSS and the General Educator, it is more likely both the student and the classroom teacher will benefit.   When the other students in the general education classroom see Mr. Bob, or Ms. Lisa as partners in leadership, you can ask them to push   in with their student into learning centers or in small group discussion.   Modeling how to get the student more involved by fading support is also critical.   Also Known As: One to One Aide, Wrap Around, Wrap Around Aide Examples: Because of his self injurious behavior, Rodney has a TSS at school, who sees that Rodney does not bang his head on the tray of his chair, or on the wall.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 8

Assignment - Essay Example In healthcare provision, organizational culture determines an organizations performance in regard to the services offered to clients, employee contentment, improvement of services through innovativeness, as well as consistency in service provision facilitated by sound management of the organization’s finances. The safety of patients and the quality of nursing care largely depends on organizational culture. This essay is a critical evaluation of the influence of organizational culture on patient care. It outlines organizational leadership and management, and also analyzes the influence of organizational culture on patients. In order to understand how culture can influence nurses and patient care, it is important to comprehend the role of nurses and their relationship with patients. Nursing involves provision of healthcare to individuals, households, as well as communities in order to improve their health regardless of whether they are unwell or healthy. A nurse plays a significant role in advocating for environmental safety, research in regard to health care as well as participation in the formulation of policies on healthcare and healthcare facilities. Educating the public in regard to safe living and prevention of diseases are also major roles of nurses. They play a significant role in helping people to regain their physical and mental strength. With this understanding, it is clear that drawbacks arising from organizational culture such as lack of enthusiasm amongst nurses due to in-effective leadership, insufficiency of equipment and funds due to poor management of finances, poor relations between n urses and patients amongst others may adversely affect service delivery and the health of patients (Pearson and Entrekin 2001 p 81). However, organizational culture may also have a positive impact on patient care. A culture that generates positive rapport among the organization’s management,

Monday, February 3, 2020

Serving High-Tech and Internet Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Serving High-Tech and Internet Companies - Essay Example An analysis of case data will follow as will a section on alternatives. The final section will conclude with recommendations and a summation of the information studied in this concise brief. Furthermore, we will conclude with answers to the questions found in the â€Å"CHECK IT OUT† and â€Å"A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE† articles. We now turn to a brief introduction to the Forrester Research Company.   In today’s competitive high-tech world, Forrester Research (www.forrester.com)has staked out a claim for itself as a leader in market research provision and market data analysis. With offices in places as diverse as Australia and Dubai, Israel and South Africa, Forrester Research is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Accordingly, this company has more than 1,800 clients around the world in the fields of marketing and informational technology, Forrester Research is presently traded on the US stock market (Nasdaq: FORR) and is a company which has exhibited tremendous potential and incredible growth in a short span of time. Forrester Research promotes what it calls the â€Å"Forrester Difference† and aims to be on the cusp of industry change. Thus, the solutions provided by Forrester are targeted toward marketing executives, strategic planners, and IT professionals to be at the forefront of technological change.   The major issues facing Forrester Research today include continued competitiveness in a changing market and the ability of this company to maintain its significance in the provision of market research to information technology companies. Can Forrester compete with the recent plethora of online survey companies which provide cash and a whole host of other incentives to get respondents? Does Forrester Research have an organizational strategy for revitalization?

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Programming Languages for Data Analysis

Programming Languages for Data Analysis R and Python for Data Analysis Abstract This paper discusses the comparison between the popular programming languages for Data analysis. Although there are plenty of choices in programming languages for Data science like Java, R Language, Python etc. With a whole lot of research carried out to know the strengths of these languages, we are going to discuss any two of these. Data Analytics has been the most important and trusted tool for business and markets. Data Analytics is nowadays making use of SAAS (Software As a Service). For this literature review, two popular languages (R and python) have been studied and evaluated the characteristics to decide which one will be the right language for data analysis. Both Languages shows their own strength and weakness and based on that, to understand the data based processing environments in the Distributed File Systems. Keywords-Programming language; Data analytics; R; Python, Big Data; For an industry to grow in a market is not an easy task. With the help of Data Analytics, it can grow bigger and better. It can help to deliver quick corporate results and a value to business. The major challenge with the data is to process it and then make decisions worth value. Data Crunching requires proper tools and powerful analysis. Out of all languages, we choose two popular language i.e R language and Python for data analysis. We are going to discuss the need of using a programming language in Data Analysis and list some of the characteristics of these two languages. In the end, we will conclude which language performs and delivers in the field of Data Analysis. While carrying out research in Data Analytics, we came across multiple programming languages apart from R and Python which are described below- Julia Not a well-recognized language but hackers surely talk of Julia. It is said to be faster than R upgradable than Python. [5] Java In comparison to R and Python, Java seems less capable in terms of Data Visualization but can be the first choice for the prototype of the statistical system. [6] MATLAB Became popular and was used before the release of python and R. To be good fit as a programming language we should consider different aspects of data analysis. For this review purpose we will broadly classify them as follow- Collection of Raw Data Data is available in variety of format. Programming languages were evaluated in terms of support for various data formats and efficiency in handling them. Data processing Once imported into program, datasets might require cleansing in terms of missing values, unrelated or redundant data values etc. Capabilities to deal with such data were evaluated for programming languages Data Exploration Simplicity of applying commonly used statistical methods like grouping, pattern recognition, switching and sorting is evaluated for programming languages. Data Analysis Availability of special purpose in-built functions and various methods of machine learning and deep analysis are used as evaluation measures. Data Visualization Visualization is important aspect of data analytics. Visualization capabilities of programming languages were evaluated on the basis of ease of creation, simplicity and sharing in various formats. In addition to these capabilities we will discuss a bit about history and accolades of every programming language. We will also discuss popular choices for IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for these1 language. Introduced in 1995, by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman, R is implementation of S programming language (Bell Labs). Latest version is 3.1.3 which was released in March, 2015. Rs architectural design and evolution is maintained by R-foundation and R-Core Group. [1] Rs software environment is written primarily in C, FORTRAN, and R. RStudio is very popular IDE used to perform data analysis using R. Primary used for academic research, R is rapidly expanding into enterprise market. [1] A. Collection of Raw Data You can Import data from variety of formats like excel, CSV, and from text files. DataFrames, primary data structure in R, can import files from SPSS or MiniTab. Basically R can handle data from most common sources without glitch. Where R is not so great at is data collection from web. Lot of work is being carried to address this limitation. To name few, Rvest package will perform basic web-scraping while magrittr will parse the information on webpages. [1][3] B. Data Processing It is very easy to reshape dataframe in R. Tasks like adding new columns, populating missing values etc. can be done with just one line of code. Many new packages like reshape2 allow users to manipulate data frames to fit the criteria set per requirements. [3] C. Data Exploration R is built by statisticians. For exploratory work its easy for beginners. Many models can be written with very few lines of codes. With R, users will be able to build probability distributions and apply statistical methods for machine learning. For advance work in analytics, optimization and analysis, users may have to rely on third party packages. [3] Many popular packages like zoo (to work with time-series), caret (machine learning) represent strength of R. Python is loosely bind programming language with very wide user base. D. Data Visualization Visualization is strong forte of R. R was built to perform statistical analysis and demonstrate the results. By default, R allows you to make basic charts and plot graphs which can be saved in variety of formats like jpeg or PDFs. With advance packages like ggvis, lattice and ggplot2 user can extend data visualization capabilities of R program. [1][3] Created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991, Python is inspired by C, Modula-3 and in-perticular ABC. Python software foundation (PSF) is curator for Python language. Current version is 3.4.3/2.7.9 released in Feb 2015/Dec 2014. Python has been popular choice for programmer to build web and multitier applications. In context of data analytics, Python is majorly use by programmers to apply statistical techniques. Coding in python is easy because of nice syntax. [4] IPython Notebook and ANACONDA are popular IDEs used for data analysis using Python. A. Collection of Raw Data In addition to excel, CSV and text data, python also supports JASON and semi-structured data formats like XML and YAML. Using certain libraries, users can import SQL tables into python program [4] Python Request Library facilitates web scrapping, where user can get data from websites to analyze in depth. [2] B. Data Processing To uncover underlying information, Pandas library of python comes handy. Like R, data is held in DataFrames which can be used and reused throughout program without hampering performance. [2] Users can apply standard methods of cleaning data or process data to fill out incompelete information just like R. C. Data Exploration Pandas is very powerful library. Users will be able to group by datavalues and sort them according to timeseries. Comlex grouping clauses like time-series analysis to seconds can be performed on dataframes in python program. D. Data Visualization Using MetaPlotlib [2] library, user can plot basic graphs and chrats from available data-points. For advance visulization, Plot.ly can be used, which is another python library. Users can use powerful IDEs like Anaconda or IPython Notebook to create powerful visualization and convert them into various formats like HTML. In addition to their differences, there are few common positives about both Python and R which make them so popular among data analysts and statisticians. R and Python are distributed under open license which make them free to download and modify per users need. In contrast to other programming tools, like SAS and SPSS, which come with hefty price tag. Being open source, many advancements in statistics will come to python and R first.[6] Both of them are widely loved and supported by big community of statisticians and developers. [6] IDE like IPython Notebook will consolidate your datasets in one file, thereby simplifies your workflow.[2] R has rich ecosystem of cutting edge packages to string your work together which proves useful in particular to Data Analysis.[3] Python is more of general purpose language. Its easy and intuitive, therefor it has simplified learning curve. Pythons testing framework guaranties reusability and reliability of code. R is language developed by statisticians for statisticians while python is easier to learn general purpose programming language.[3] Working through research in programming languages for data analytics, there are many other options which are listed below- Julia Though not yet widely recognized, data hackers talk fondly of Julia. It is regarded as faster than R and more scalable than Python.[5] Java Although java is not as capable as python and R in terms of visualization, it can be primary choice to build prototype for statistical system. [6] KAFKA Developed by linked-in, KAFKA is highly regarded for its real-time analytics capabilities.[6] STORM Storm is framework written in SCALA which saw recent tides of popularity in Silicon Valley MATLAB Excel Used by many statisticians before outburst of python and R. Special thanks to Prof. Oisin Creaner, for presenting this opportunity to dig out for various options available for programming in Data Analytics Ihaka, R. and Gentleman, R., 1996. R: a language for data analysis and graphics. Journal of computational and graphical statistics, 5(3), pp.299-314. Pedregosa, F., Varoquaux, G., Gramfort, A., Michel, V., Thirion, B., Grisel, O., Blondel, M., Prettenhofer, P., Weiss, R., Dubourg, V. and Vanderplas, J., 2011. Scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12, pp.2825-2830.. Nasridinov, A. and Park, Y.H., 2013, September. Visual Analytics for Big Data Using R. In Cloud and Green Computing (CGC), 2013 Third International Conference on (pp. 564-565). IEEE. Sanner, M.F., 1999. Python: a programming language for software integration and development. J Mol Graph Model, 17(1), pp.57-61. Bezanson, J., Karpinski, S., Shah, V.B. and Edelman, A., 2012. Julia: A fast dynamic language for technical computing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.5145. Fan, W. and Bifet, A., 2013. Mining big data: current status, and forecast to the future. ACM sIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 14(2), pp.1-5.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The 3 piglets

Three little pigs story and movie In the movie of the three little pigs there were very much similarities from the book to the movie. In the book the three little pigs they all had tried to build different types of houses and they also did in the movie. In the book and the movie neither of the piglets had friends. Also the book and the movie both had the wolf in it.The wolf was quite clever and persuading towards the piglets in both the movie and the story. The wolf also say his famous line in the movie that he says in the book â€Å"If you do not open this door I will huff and puff and blow your house down†. Between the movie and the book there were plenty of differences. The piglets had different names in the movie as well. The setting was even different. The setting of the movie took place in â€Å"Camp Peggy† and the setting off the book was in the woods.The first pig name was Emerald Sucker-pork she was very wealthy and she did not ave many friends because she had whatever every other piglet had but twice as much. It is safe to say that she was spoiled. The second piglet was named Barbecue. She was a model who had gotten too skinny because she taken more baths than the usual pig. The third pig name was breadcrumb. Breadcrumb was Vietnamese she had no family and she was homeless but something she did have was a good personality. She also knew tikwan pig dow.In the movie they also built their houses ifferent. The 1st pig built her house made of pearls and diamonds but in the book the 1st pig built her house out of hay. In the movie the 2nd pig built her house of cookies, cakes and candy. However in the book the 2nd piglet built her house out of sticks but the 3rd piglets both built there house out of bricks. I think that the third piglets was the smartest. My conclusion is that even though they had many differences the concept was the same it was Just told in a different way.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Idiots Manual to Writing Research Papers Help

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Definition and Purpose of a Heterogeneous Class

Heterogeneous groups  in educational settings include students from a wide range of instructional levels. The practice of assigning mixed groups of students to shared classrooms stems from the education precept that positive interdependence develops when students of varying achievement work together and help each other reach educational goals. Heterogeneous groups contrast  directly with homogeneous groups, in which all students perform at roughly the same instructional level. Examples of Heterogeneous Groups A teacher may deliberately pair low-, medium-, and high-level readers (as measured by reading assessments) together in a heterogeneous group to read and analyze a given text together. This type of cooperative group can improve outcomes for all of the students as the advanced readers can tutor their lower-performing peers. Rather than putting gifted students, average students, and special-needs students in separate classrooms, school administrators may divide students into classes with a relatively even distribution of abilities and needs. Teachers may then further divide the group during instructional periods using either the heterogeneous or homogeneous model. Advantages For students of lesser ability, being included in a heterogeneous group rather than pigeonholed into a homogeneous group reduces their risk of being stigmatized. And labels that classify academic skill can become self-fulfilling prophecies as teachers may lower expectations for students in special-needs classrooms. They may not challenge those students to perform well and may rely on limited curriculum that restricts exposure to concepts some students could, in fact, learn. A heterogeneous group gives advanced students a chance to mentor their peers. All members of the group may interact more to help each other understand the concepts being taught. Disadvantages Students, parents, and teachers may prefer to work in a homogeneous group or be part of a homogeneous classroom. They may see an educational advantage or just feel more comfortable working with peers of similar ability. Advanced students in a heterogeneous group may at times feel forced into a leadership role they do not want. Rather than learning new concepts at their own speed, they must slow down to assist other students or curtail their own study to proceed at the rate of the whole class. In a heterogeneous grouping, advanced students may take the role of co-teacher, rather than advancing their own skills. Students of lesser abilities may fall behind in a heterogeneous group and may be criticized for slowing the rate of the whole class or group. In a study or work group, unmotivated or academically challenged students may be ignored rather than assisted by their peers. Management of a Heterogeneous Classroom Teachers need to remain aware and recognize when a heterogeneous grouping does not function properly for a student at any level. Teachers should support advanced students by supplying additional academic challenges and help students who fall behind receive the assistance they need to catch up. And students in the middle of a heterogeneous group face the risk of getting lost in the shuffle as the teacher concentrates on the special needs of students at either end of the spectrum.